Visual Basic 6 and Resource Files

Filed under Resource Files, Utilities, VB Feng Shui

Feng Shui is all about the placement of things to better harmonize with their (and consequently your) surroundings.

With VB, there’s no better place to examine that than the file footprint of your application.

Ask yourself: You have two apps to evaluate. They perform identically, are configurable in all the same ways and behave exactly the same. One app consists of hundreds of files scattered across dozens of folders. The other’s footprint is exactly one file, the EXE itself. Which would you choose?

Granted, that’s an extreme case, but the point is, the smaller your app footprint, the better, in almost all circumstances.

And a really nice way to shrink an app footprint is with resources.

If you’ve never messed around with resource files in VB6, or maybe only tried to use the built in resource editor add-in, you really don’t know what you’re missing.

Resources can be an immensely handy way to embed everything from pictures to WAV files, to chunks of script, to icons, and just about anything else directly into your application, but in a way that makes them accessible to the outside world, for one-off customizations, translations, or to just keep the file footprint of your app as small as possible.

However, resource files can be notoriously difficult to work with because of the lack of tools available natively with VB6. VB.NET dramatically improves upon the situation, but there’s still a lot of VB6 code out there that might benefit from resources.

Generally speaking, you have two “types” of resource files where VB6 is concerned.

  • the resource file the can be “included” in the project and is available to your code while you’re running in the IDE
  • Any resources “added” to your applications EXE/DLL/OCX file AFTER you compile it.

Why the distinction?

There’s one specific kind of resource that you very much should want to include in your compiled file, but which VB is notoriously lacking about. The Version Info Resource.

VB only allows you to specify the Major, Minor, and Build version numbers (although VB calls the Build number, the “revision” number, mysteriously).
Windows executables, on the other hand, support a Major, Minor, Revision, and Build.

Now, the truth is, VBs support is generally fine for utilities, hobbiest programs and the like. But real, commercial applications really should make use of all four numbers, and that’s something that is impossible using VB alone.

Ah, you say, VB does have that “Resource Editor” add-in, just use it! Not quite. You can’t create a version info resource in it, and even if you could, VB’s compiler replaces any version info element within that resource file with the information from the project properties window.

The solution is relatively simple and still preserves all the great things that resource files in VB can do for you.

The IN-THE-IDE Resource file

For this resource file, you have 2 choices, use the VB Resource Editor Add-In, or create an RC resource script file, and compile it to a RES binary format file that VB expects. I prefer the later, simply because scripting the resource file makes it much easier to include things like big chunks of text (xml, scripts, icons, what-have-you), and you can leave all of those things external to the RES file without having to manually pull them in via the Editor add-in every time they change.

I usually create an RC file with the same name as the VBP file, but with an RC extension


// Test Resource Compiler file
// used to automatically compile the RC file into a RES file
// BEFORE the project itself is compiled
// This makes the Resource data available to code while in the IDE
// Arbitrary Text File Resources

// Bitmap Resources

Note that test.bmp is just some random bitmap file, and that TextRes1.txt and TextRes2.txt are arbitrary text files.

Then, you can access those resources via a little bit of VB code

To get the text file resources

Dim a() As Byte
dim buf$
a() = LoadResData("TEXTRES1", "TEXTRES_DEFS")
buf$ = StrConv(a, vbUnicode) 'need to convert the raw ansi text file content to UNICODE to make VB happy

Or to load the bitmap

Set form.Picture = LoadResPicture("IMG_MAIN", vbResBitmap)

Icons, and string tables are a little more difficult, esp. with respect to XP and VISTA format icons, so I’ll worry about them later.

You can compile the RC file using a command line similiar to the following:

rc.exe /r /fo "test.res" "test.rc"

Make sure the RC.EXE resource compiler is on your path for it to run right. The RC.EXE file itself should be somewhere in the VB6 installation folder under Program Files. For a muhc more thorough explanation of the Resource Compiler, check here. Microsoft has some very good RC information here also.

Alternatively, you can put this command in a BAT file, and execute it quietly:

cmd /Q /c rc.ex /r /fo "test.res" "test.rc"

One caveat. If you decide to use the RC file, be aware that VB loads the compiled RES file when you load the project. So if you make a change to one of the component resource files (say, an ICO or BMP file), you’ll need to exit VB, recompile the RC file to a RES file, and then RELOAD the project in VB. Since RES files don’t change all that much once initially created, this isn’t a huge problem.

Another note: You can only include one resource file in a single VBP project, so it has to contain all the resources the app will need (except, of course, for the Version Info Resource).

And a final note: You can easily add a resource file to a project by
1) compiling the RC file to a RES file
2) Opening your VBP project
3) dragging the RES file from Explorer to the VB Project Window.

For next time, handling the Version Info Resource….

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