Category Archives: dasBlog

Death of a Blog

Filed under Blogging, dasBlog

I’ve been offline for a few days. Yeah, it was Thanksgiving, yeah, I lost a drive in the raid of my main workstation. But the real nasty bit was when I went to post a new entry and Windows Live Writer merrily churned away with no errors, but when I went to check the entry on my site, no joy.


imageWell, I didn’t have any time till tonight to check into it. A few Googles turned up this handy little label on the Live Writer Help-About screen.

Click it and you get a nice log file (that might be quite long since I don’t believe Live Writer ever trims it).



Down toward the end, I notice this:



I use for my webspace, so I browsed over to my control panel and it sure looked like I had 302mb used of 1000mb available. Hawuh? That should be plenty. Still, I have a hard time believing dasBlog would lie about an error like that.

Fortunately, ServerGrid has a live chat 24hrs a day. A quick chat with one of their support people, and I discover that just because they upped my space to 1gb, doesn’t mean they automatically up my quota.

Back to the control panel, sure enough, the quota is still set to 300mb.

Change it up and I’m back in business.

daBlog’s New Medium Trust Made Me Sad (for a little while, anyway)

Filed under ASP, Blogging, dasBlog

Oops, don’t try this:

      Dim req As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(URL)

on an ASP.NET page in a web app marked with MEDIUM trust (as the new dasBlog 2.0 comes configured, as in this web.config file)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <trust originurl="" level="Medium">

Guess that’s one of the no-nos of medium trust.

In my case, the only place I’m doing this is where the incoming URL is a value fixed in code, not something coming from user input, so I don’t believe it can be usurped for unscrupulous uses (I think I just blew my “u” quota for the day<g>) .

If you’re wondering, that code came from the ICQ status request bit I coded up and blogged about here.

To solve it in my case, I went back to normal trust level.

Anyone know how you’d handle doing this in medium trust?