I’ve started playing more and more with .NET lately. There’s a lot to like, a lot to dislike, and a few things that left me scratching my head.
One is this new fascination with moving regional (or class scoped variables) up to right on top of the properties that are wrapping them.
You’ve no doubt seen the pattern.
In old school VB6, you’d have something like this:
{top of class} Private _MyPropVar As Boolean {lots of code here} Public Property Get MyProp() As Boolean Return _MyPropVar End Get Public Property Let MyProp(Byval NewValue as Boolean) _MyPropVar = value End Set {code continues}
And in the New Order, you have this:
{other code} Private Shared _MyPropVar As Boolean = True Public Shared Property MyProp() As Boolean Get Return _MyPropVar End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _MyPropVar = value End Set End Property {code continues}
Now, the pundits out there claim that the ability to move the definition of the variable that stores the property value down in the code to where the property is actually defined is a good thing.
And it very well might be.
But if that variable is used elsewhere in the class (it is, after all, visible to the entire class), then it makes more sense to me for it to be grouped with other such class scoped variables at the top of the class, and not buried within the class.
What’s most frustrating about this, though, is that the language designers had the perfect opportunity to solve this problem elegantly, and didn’t.
The simple introduction of a property scope would have done the trick. Then for those variables that are ONLY used to track the contents of a property, you’d have this (note the _MyPropVar definition has moved to INSIDE the property declaration):
{other code} Public Shared Property MyProp() As Boolean Private _MyPropVar As Boolean = True Get Return _MyPropVar End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _MyPropVar = value End Set End Property {code continues}
Now there may be significant ramifications involved that prevented this change, and I’m certainly no expert at compiler design or implementation (though I have implemented a pseudo-code compiler scripting language used in a commercial product).
But this just doesn’t seem like all that big a deal to have implemented and would have cleanly resolved where to put variables of both persuasions (ie those that are used by ONLY a single property, and those that are truly class scoped and used my multiple properties/methods).
Personally, I think this was a bit of a “good enough” decision.
Practically, I think I’ll stick with locating truly class-scoped variables at the top of the class, and ONLY bury variables that really are only accessed by a single method/property.