Monthly Archives: October 2009

An Interesting Use of Generics

Filed under .NET, VB Feng Shui

I was working on some validation logic today, and was getting heavily into generics in several classes, when I stumbled across an application of generics that I hadn’t see before.

Take the following sample code (granted, it’s trivial, but it should get the idea :

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Dim s As String = "Testing"
        Dim i As Integer = 5
        Dim f As Single = 10.7
    End Sub
End Class
Public Module Generics
    Public Sub GenericTest(Of t)(ByVal Variable As t)
    End Sub
End Module

Notice that the GenericTest function is early bound directly to 3 different variable types due to the use of generics. Just like using object type variables but without some of the stigma <g>.

Also note that GenericTest is defined in a module. I’d only seen generics as a way of defining classes before, never just a single function, and certainly not a function in a module.

Anyway, this may be old hat for many people, but I found it interesting, at the least. Not exactly sure how I might leverage it at this point, but it’s always good to have things like this in your toolbox.

Getting Rid of the Bogus Warnings in MSBuild Projects

Filed under MSBuild, Troubleshooting

If you’ve ever loaded up an MSBuild project in VS, you have likely seen some warning messages in the Error List window, essentially saying that either the first item in a custom ItemGroup is invalid or the first Property in a custom PropertyGroup is invalid.

The problem is that the MSBuild designers wanted to provide a schema to you’d get some nice intellisense functions when editing a proj file, but, they had to allow for custom properties and items because, well, that’s what MSBuild is all about, after all!

So, those custom elements by definition, can’t be included in the generic schema and, bingo, validation warnings.

The warnings don’t actually harm anything and MSBuild effectively ignores them, so one solution is to do just that. Ignore all those new warnings in your Errors window. That’s even what MS recommends <sigh>

For me, though, ANYTHING in that errors window is a red flag.

Getting that Nice, Clean Errors Window

After digging around, it turns out there’s essentially 2 options to get rid of those warnings.

  1. Edit the Microsoft.Build.xsd file and include ALL the custom Property and Item names you might be using
  2. Or tell VS to not validate the proj file against any schema.

I can’t imagine bothering to try to keep that xsd file up to date constantly as I change proj files, so that option was out.

Fortunately, telling VS not to validate the project file is relatively easy, and pretty easy to undo as well.

First, open the proj file in Visual Studio (if it’s an actual VBPROJ or CSPROJ file, you’ll need to unload the project first, then right click on it again and select Edit Project).

Click in the project editing window, then in the Properties box, Click on the Ellipse button to change the schemas property.


You should see this (though, the red Xs will be green checks):


When you get the dialog showing all the schemas against which the file is validated, select each one and choose “Do not use this schema”


Click ok and repeat for any other PROJ files you need to handle this way.

When done, you should no longer see any validation warnings in the error window.

Unfortunately, this also means that the proj file won’t be pre-validated at all anymore and you won’t get any intellisense anymore. But, really, once you’ve got your proj file setup, you shouldn’t be needing to edit it much.

And if you really need to, just reverse the above process to turn the schema validation back on.

TFS Build Node Shows a Red X

Filed under Uncategorized


The screenshot says it all. Why was my Build node in TFS suddenly x’d out? Completely dead.

Oddly, the queries, work items, source explorer, etc. all worked fine.

But I could no longer browse or view the status of builds.

A coworker pointed me to this post, which discussed several possible solutions.

Eventually, I was able to get things working fairly easily by:

  1. Backing up my entire Visual Studio settings collection (look in the Tools Menu, Import and Export Settings).
  2. Running devenv /resetuserdata (I had to run this directly from it’s folder, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE because I’ve never put that in my PATH).
  3. Then restoring my saved settings except for the TFS settings section:


Once it finished, presto, my Build node was operational again.