Monthly Archives: July 2007

The Mythical 40 Hour Week

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eWeek recently reported here that the Gartner Group released a report back in May stating that the 40 hour work week is “going the way of the dinosaur.”

Maybe, but I wouldn’t put money on it.

I’d be more willing to bet that the concept of spending 40 hours a week in an office environment might be dying off. But as anyone who’s worked in tech will tell you, only 40 hour weeks are more an oddity that the norm.

And as the labor pool continues to shrink (think boomers and college students disillusioned with the whole idea of tech), how realistic will it be for those getting into the field to insist on 20-30 hr weeks? When I was looking, I saw more than a few postings with comments along the lines of “involves on-call rotation”, “must be willing to work hours as necessary”, “able to open a vein on demand”, that kind of stuff.

One read through just about any Network World or eWeek and you’ll see interviews with C-level execs and tech managers describing how they love their 80+ hour a week jobs, and how things are so much better now that they can work via blackberry while climbing in the Rockies with their families (I just don’t want them belaying me!).

Interestingly, there was another article in the issue about telecommuters and how they tend to burn out quicker than non-telecommuters because they actually inadvertently work more than if they were going into an office. When your office is your home, it’s easy to get sucked in like that. The author also mentions how, as a telecommuter, you tend to believe you need to work harder to prove you’re actually working. In an office, apparently just showing up means you’re doing your job.

It’ll definitely be interesting to see how all this shakes out over the next 20 or so years.

Docking Toolbars in Vista

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I’ve used TrueLaunchBar for quite some time and find it indispensable for many things. Under XP, I’d switch off the Start Button completely (using their StartKiller) and use TrueLaunchBar menus for everything.

Of course, I use a Quick Launch bar at the bottom of the screen as well as a task bar, etc, but I find it quite handy to have an AutoHide toolbar docked to the left edge of the screen that contains often used folders, and other kinds of shortcuts.

Well, I created a folder specifically for my Left Edge short cuts, just like in XP, created a toolbar for it which shows  up at the bottom of the screen (next to the TaskBar) and then tried to drag it up to the left edge. No joy!

What the hell! Surely MS didn’t remove this functionality? Ah, but apparently, they have, for usability reasons. Hmmm.

However, on that same page, a commenter notes that you can still accomplish this, just not like you used to.

Basically, create a folder that you’ll use to store your shortcuts, browse to it with Explorer, then drag the folder from Explorer to the left edge of the screen. Right click on it to set some properties (title bar, etc). Viola! Toolbar on the left edge again.


Note that it looks a little funny with the thick translucent borders, but it works none-the-less.

Oh, and that folder with the right pointing arrow below it? That’s a TrueLaunchBar thing, too. 

Scrolling for Any Windows

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Something that’s always bugged me about the scroll wheel is that it seems you have to upgrade your mouse with each new Windows in order for the scrolling to work properly.

For instance, I have an older Logitech MouseMan Dual Optical Corded mouse. Great mouse. Lousy scroll support.

The Logitech MouseWare drivers don’t scroll legacy app windows that have scroll bars but don’t react to the newer mouse scroll messages.

All the latest Intellipoint drivers don’t scroll legacy apps properly with it either (and possibly not even with a newer mouse, but I don’t have a newer mouse so…)

Way back when, I came across the Intellipoint 4.1 driver set that DID scroll legacy apps properly (like VB6, the main one I’m concerned with anyway).

Well, Vista flat refuses that driver set . I tried the latest Intellipoint, 6.1. It installs but doesn’t scroll right. I tried the latest SETPOINT400.EXE from Logitech. No good either. Uninstalled both and I’m back to the built-in Vista Mouse Driver.

Then I came across KatMouse. Tiny little app, but works a treat. Sends legacy scroll messages to the window under the mouse. And it doesn’t screw with newer apps that DO handle the mouse scroll wheel messages. Plus you can customize the scroll support per App or Window Class (and God knows my favorite thing to do is poke around windows with WinSpy looking up window classes so I can set each one to different scroll numbers<g>)

I’m sure there’s more involved, more flexible utilities out there to do the same thing, but I haven’t seen any yet. Any pointers?

Elevation in Vista

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Wow. All I can say is Wow.

I simply cannot believe how difficult MS has made it to develop under Vista.

Makes you almost wonder if anyone working on the Vista code actually developed it on Vista, while not running with UAC turned off.

The elevation nonsense is quite simply absurd.

What I find so funny about it is that I’ve seen time and again over the years, people just get used to stupid pop up messages like the UAC “Allow this operation” dialog, and just click through them without thinking. Then, the one time that there really is a rogue app executing, the user is so accustomed to clicking through, the malware gets its shot regardless of the UAC.

Kudos to MS for just adding yet another layer of hassle for the next 2-3 years before they finally figure this out. 

That said, MS and, eventually, Vista, is my bread and butter, so I might as well learn to play along, regardless of how inane the game may be.

Here’s a handy resource for some scripts and tools to help with elevating many of the common things you may find yourself needing to do.

One nifty trick is to create a shortcut to the CMD.EXE, set the Run As Admin property on the ShortCut tab and then specify a command line like so:

cmd.exe /k cd c:\ && color fc && title ***** Admin console *****

Personally, I’m looking for:

  1. a way to Dbl-Click a REG file and have it applied to the registry with a minimum of hassle.
  2. a way to right click and Register/Unregister a  COM DLL or EXE

 Right now, it requires running an elevated cmd prompt, and command lines. Sigh. And this is progress.

Getting a Command Prompt Here in Vista

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Like any good developer, I have two ton crap load of Utilities, config, scripts, etc that I regularly make use of. Unfortunately, they’re all tailored towards Windows XP and I’m now in the process of setting up a Vista machine for development.

The first thing I ran into is that you can’t just dbl-click REG files anymore to merge them, unless they only modify the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive. Grrr. Running Regedit as Admin is a workaround, albeit not a great one.

A bit more problematic, though is my favorite DOSHERE.INF file. This little jewel goes back to, what, Win95 and the old PowerToy kit, I believe.

At any rate, here’s my modified version that works fine under everything up to Vista, but no-ops now.

; "DOS Prompt Here" PowerToy
; Copyright 1996 Microsoft Corporation

CopyFiles = DosHere.Files.Inf
AddReg    = DosHere.Reg

CopyFiles = DosHere.Files.Inf
AddReg    = DosHere.Reg

DelFiles  = DosHere.Files.Inf
DelReg    = DosHere.Reg

55="DOS Prompt Here","",1


DosHere.Files.Inf = 17


;DWH Modified the below lines so that
;they work under NT
;How would you indicate the actual COMSPEC environment var?

HKLM,%UDHERE%,UninstallString,,"%10%\rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultUninstall 132 %17%\DosHere.inf"
;HKCR,Directory\Shell\DosHere\command,,,"%10%\ /k cd ""%1"""
HKCR,Directory\Shell\DosHere\command,,,"cmd.exe /k cd ""%1"""
;HKCR,Drive\Shell\DosHere\command,,,"%10%\ /k cd ""%1"""
HKCR,Drive\Shell\DosHere\command,,,"cmd.exe /k cd ""%1"""

DosHereName="DOS Prompt Here PowerToy"
DosHereAccel="Command &Prompt"

From what I can tell, the main problem is that INF files just can’t alter HKLM or HKCR when run as a normal user (even with admin privileges).

I have used a simple little reg script from time to time also


@="Command &Prompt Here"

@="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe /k cd \"%1\""

and this works quite nicely on 2000 and XP, but it does not work when fires via the Context Menu in the tree portion of Explorer under Vista.

However, in poking around the registry on Vista, I discovered an interesting little tidbit.

Vista already has support for a “command prompt here” built in (at least Vista Ultimate does, which is what I’m using. The reg entry looks like this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Command &Prompt Here"

@="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""

The Extended entry appears to cause the item to only show up when SHIFT is held down.

Notice the difference in the command line from the earlier version. Why the /k cd {path} doesn’t work from the tree, but the pushd %V does, who knows?

So, I hack a little to come up with this:


@="Command &Prompt Here"
;remove this property so that command shows all the time, not just when you hold down SHIFT

@="cmd.exe /s /k pushd ""%V"""

And lo, the angels sing and I can continue on my merry way.

New Board Is Online

Filed under Hardware

I’m slowing getting my hardware issues back in line.

First, there I had a failure on a 320gb Western Digital drive (unbelievably cool and quiet drives btw), which took out my main workstation.

Then, my server started crashing, and after some investigation, I had a drive in it’s raid failing too, though not completely, just getting read errors and timeouts that the driver apparently could only sometimes recover from. I’ve been generally happy with Promise RAID cards, but the fact that a read/timeout error can lock the machine bugs me. But, it’s an older FastTrack TX4000 so what can I say.

Next, I discover that the otherwise awesome Gigabyte GA-P965-DS3 motherboard I picked up won’t do anything but a 2 drive RAID. Gotta pay more attention to those specs<g>.image

Eventually I settled on the Intel D975XBX2 board. Nice board, it’s got serial/parallel ports for all those hacking urges, plus FireWire, lots of USB, and 8 SATA ports, with up to 4 drives in one Intel Matrix RAID and 4 in another.

Plus it’s got these nifty flame heatsinks right out of West Coast Choppers.


First impressions are that it’s OK, but it’s not all solid capacitor design, and the boot time seems significantly slower than the Gigabyte board. Plus the board itself just doesn’t look as nice. Things aren’t labeled as clearly, etc. From what I can tell, it very well may be that Intel outsources the board to FOXCONN, so this may be a Foxconn board in Intel clothes. Personally, I would have loved to go with the GA-P35T-DQ6. Much nicer looking, sweet heatsinks, solid caps, all the right ports, RAID, etc. And it’ll do Crossfire. But otherwise, it’s got only PCIEx1 slots and it appears to require memory faster than DDRII 800. I’m just not up for buying virtually a whole new machine right now.

One thing the Intel board won’t do is convert a single drive into part of a RAID intact. You have to start fresh (or restore a drive image). Restoring the drive image seems a little risky though. After all, most RAID drivers need to be installed during the initial OS installation process (using F6), so I’m not sure how much mileage I’m going to get from that concept.

Long story short, anyone interested in a used but otherwise completely functional Gigabyte GA-P965-DS3 mobo? Comes with all the original packing, anti-static bag, sata cables, manual, backplate, etc. They’re 130$ on Come on down, make me an offer!